Well it seems as though AOL members who have their websites hosted on AOL are starting to see those "ugly" AOL banners at the top of their
websites. According to most of the AOL members they did not get an option to have these AOL banners on their AOL site - the banners just started
appearing - and a lot of AOLers are upset about it! They want those AOL banners removed and they want them removed NOW!
I have seen it posted that people have said that they have had their pages on AOL for years without the AOL banners and they wonder why AOL would
change this to include the banners. A lot of people are saying that they are fed up with AOL and are considering moving their pages to another site.
Others have posted "solutions" to getting rid of the AOL banners but none of those ideas / suggestions are working on a permanent basis.
I tried looking online for some answer or maybe some information about AOL announcing that they would start adding their AOL banners to members
websites but so far I can't find anything about it except the link below which goes to one of the AOL boards where people are posting about how upset
they are that this kind of thing is happening to them.
Those "Ugly" AOL Banners!
AOL Member Pleads - "Please Remove The AOL Banners
From My AOL Website!"
AOLers Want Those AOL Banners REMOVED From Their AOL Websites!
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9 years ago